Toys | Teen Ink


May 1, 2024
By NathanSimonson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
NathanSimonson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The purgatory of an old toy,

where puppets once paraded on the stage,

now lies with nails protruding, wood decaying.


The purgatory of an old toy,

once thrilling in anticipation of rediscovery,

now destined to stay abandoned.

The purgatory of an old toy,

caught between fond remembrance and neglect,

a true tribute to time’s cruelty.

The purgatory of an old toy,

or perhaps destined for regifting to a new child,

memories carry on, passed like treasures.

The author's comments:


By Nathan Simonson

An Ekphrastic poem on Joseph Cornell’s artwork titled, “Blue Soap Bubble”

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