Escape the Heat | Teen Ink

Escape the Heat

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

Hours ago, I got done with work

The sun scorches me alongside the road as I walk

The road that men call out to me on

“Need a ride?” 

“No.” Their trucks tremble as they slowly pass me and stare 

Today, I work during a heatwave 

All the usual pancake lovers only order milkshakes and ice water 

Customers come in just to sit. 

Escape the heat.

Not order food. 

Bad day to make money. 

Today my coworker offers to drive me home 

He didn't want me walking for hours in the blazing sun

I accept his offer 

The refreshment of the A/C blasting in the Suburban 

The screeching of the news reporters on Channel 620

We drive long down the bumpy gravel road with minimal conversation 

“I'm gonna need to let you go here. You okay walking rest of the way?” his deep voice mutters.

“Yes, I'll be okay. Thank you,” I respond and slam the door

He U-turns violently and skids down the road. Stranded again

I take a shortcut through the grass upon arrival to my mother’s house

The scorching sun on my back. Beads of sweat form all over my body as I start to see stars

On my knees now. The spikey grass digging into my legs. 

Just a quick rest break.

Trucks drivers stare as they slowly drive past me and stare 

“Just a quick rest break”

The author's comments:

Inspired by Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth (1948)

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