All Alone No Way To Move | Teen Ink

All Alone No Way To Move

April 30, 2024
By mei_ea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mei_ea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At night, I wish for legs that worked. 

Long cold nights, I wish I had a blanket. I used to laugh but now I cry. 

Laughing is something I missed doing before I got stuck out here. 


A few years ago, I became paralyzed in the legs. 

Legs are very important if you want to get around.

One night, I was riding in the back of a friend's pickup truck in the middle of nowhere.

Next thing I know, I have fallen out of the truck and the only thing I can see is a house far away. 

Even though I could see the house, I didn't have legs that worked, so I had no way to get there. 


Nights have always been the hardest part, it's so hazardous to sleep out here in the cold field. 

One day I hope the people in the house find me and take me in. 


Wishing for a nice meal, I eat whatever is around me, grass, straw, dust, whatever I can reach. 


Years have gone by, and the only way I can tell what day it is is when the sun goes down. 


Tomorrow I hope the family in the house finds me. I used to laugh but now I cry. 

October is my favorite season because I get to see the leaves change colors out here.


Making it this long out here with no working legs is impressive to me, all alone, no way to move. 

On a good note, since my legs are paralyzed, I can't feel them, so only half my body gets cold. 

Vibrant orange and yellow leaves in October are what I always look forward to. 

Even though I am all alone with no way to move, I still manage to find positives in my situation. 

The author's comments:

Inspired by Christina’s World

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