Believer | Teen Ink


April 29, 2024
By Anonymous

One path shined above them all.
He chose this route right from the start,
And not a soul could make him fall.
His grind and grit could break through a wall;
This is truly what set him apart.

The others told him to stay in school,
Yet he could barely focus on the lesson at hand.
His teachers and counselors called him a fool,
“Maintain a solid GPA or no football, that’s the rule!”
His coach got on him, so he did as his demand.

He stepped onto the fresh turf field
With the pressure on, and he went hard from the rip.
Even against the tough opponent he did not yield,
Hit after hit, he served as a human shield.
As the clock runs out, he had won the National Championship.

On that special Draft Night he received the sought after call.
“We’re going to make you a Steeler,
And we hope you are ready to ball!”
One path shined above them all,
Yet not a soul was a believer.

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