Your Version | Teen Ink

Your Version

April 18, 2024
By ca11eigh BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
ca11eigh BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think we fail to see how similar we all are 
Caught in our own world, 
 like a school of anxious fish 
We can swim in circles our whole life; 
denying our shared destination 
Whether you parade through life 
 with your head held high; 
Or saunter like a scared dog with a tucked tail  
We can spend time arguing who roles the dice 
 for the game of life; 
And who pulls the strings to close the curtains 
You can pray and pray to a fictious god,  
who is unlikely to answer; 
Or neglect the whole idea, 
 and never pick up the phone 
Does it matter how we choose to get there? 
Half of us won't get the chance to grow old; 
But live everyday like the next is promised 
We are explicitly fragile; 
But wonderfully eager 

The author's comments:

I have loved writing poetry since I was in elementary school. There is something so beautiful in words that can really speak to people.

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