Dear Candy-Wrapped Octobers | Teen Ink

Dear Candy-Wrapped Octobers

April 16, 2024
By ELIEs BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
ELIEs BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Candy-Wrapped Octobers,

Struck through the mud and coffee stains
that tint my files and papers and prayers, 
Deep in the callouses from dirty baseball gloves and pointy wood chips
and runny noses from light rain but smooth air, 
Past the warmth of fireplaces and weighted blankets
and wet kisses from wet dogs, 
Down from ruddy bruises on ruddy elbows 
and whims that come about by jolting alarm clocks,
In the owl’s theater hosted by the full moon’s trance
featuring thunder’s drums with the sun's tambourine,
Beyond the cheer of the wandered dreamer who says:
“Trick or Treat”, 
There is a soul, a boy, 
A body, an honest child
Chilled by summers spent as an inmate of the outdoors that were guarded by the clouds
But is embraced by the crinkle of the cycling leaves that are cherished by cherry wrapped taffies,
Warmed by the crisp and whispering voice of the autumn breeze,
Then coddled under the stars come December. 

An ode to October. 
To live, To laugh, To love.
To be whoever you want to be.

A ghost. 
A pirate.
A dreamer. 








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