Envy Is Me | Teen Ink

Envy Is Me MAG

April 9, 2024
By ofeldgus BRONZE, Maple Glen, Pennsylvania
ofeldgus BRONZE, Maple Glen, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only die once, but you live every day."

I wonder what it’s like to be beautiful. 

No, seriously. 

I’m not trying to ask for compliments or anything. 

I’m genuinely curious. 

What it is like being beautiful. Being perfect. 

Waking up and going to sleep fully loving yourself. 

Fully loving the way you look. 

Loving the way you look. 

Your height. 

Your smile. 

Your face. 

Your hair. 

Your arms. 

Your stomach. 

Your mind. 

Your… well, everything. 

I wonder what it’s like to be beautiful. 

To have boys look your way and turn their heads just to get another glance because they cannot take their eyes off you. 

Because you are so breathtaking. 

I wonder what it’s like to be liked. To be loved. 

I wonder what it’s like to be beautiful. 

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