Think of the “little things” | Teen Ink

Think of the “little things”

March 29, 2024
By Anonymous

I try to focus on the little things like 

I have a roof over my head.

I have food, water.

I have the privilege to get an education.

But I look at life the way a frog looks at a pond

As the pond being the norm

As a seagull looking at the ocean 

Like it will always be there

I am not being drafted for a war.

I are not being separated from my family 

I have the freedom to do basically whatever I want

So why can’t I look at life like a dog hearing “wanna go for a walk”

Why can’t I see life as an old man getting a bingo. 

I can breathe, walk, hear, see.

I can work any job I can imagine and if they don’t have that job I can make it a job.

I’m trying to focus on the little things like 

I woke up this morning. 

I got out of bed and took a shower.

I brushed my teeth. 

I put on clean clothes.

I had breakfast.

I said goodbye to my mom

And I got in my car to drive to school

So instead of looking at life like a black hole dwindling down my quality of life I need to look at things like a bear coming out of hibernation looking at the day as a new beginning 

I believe we all need to focus on the little things.

The author's comments:

I have never written poetry before. For a class assignment my teacher said that we had to make a spoken word poem that you care about. So I wrote about the royalties and the privileges that a lot of us have but neglect.

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