I Don't Get It | Teen Ink

I Don't Get It

March 21, 2024
By msophie112 SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
msophie112 SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We may encounter many defeats in life but we are never defeated." <br /> -Maya Angelou

I don’t get why when I’m wrong, I’m stupid 
But when you’re wrong, it’s an honest mistake 
I don’t get that I’m pick-me but you aren’t because you’re a “guy” 
I don’t get why I’m ugly and you are just “misunderstood” 
I don’t get that it’s okay for you to say I need make-up to look pretty 
But it’s not okay to say you need sports to be cool 
I don’t get why I get to be called desperate when I like someone, 
But when you like someone it’s just being loyal 
I don’t get why when I’m upset, I’m being “dramatic” 
But when you’re upset it’s okay because guys are encouraged to be sensitive and shouldn’t have to apologize. 
I don’t get why I’m wrong and you’re right 
I don’t get why I have to apologize because if I don’t it’s being insensitive 
But you don’t have to apologize because it shows you’re tough and stand up for yourself 
I don’t get why you say bad things about me, and I must automatically forgive you. 
But I can’t say bad things about you because if I do, you’ll never talk to me again 
I don’t get why you get to call my body ugly and flat, 
But if I even comment on how you did your hair that day, you ignore me. 
I don’t get that I’m called clingy because I ask you for help with a math problem once a month, 
But I can’t call you clingy for calling and texting me at least ten times a day for two years. 
I don’t get why I care about what you think or say 
And yet I’m sorry you feel that way 
I don’t get why you’re so repulsed and disgusted by me  
But in my eyes, you're a handsome sweet boy 
I don’t get why despite all these things I still love you and for five years it can’t seem to end 
I don’t get why after all this time you see me nothing more than a friend 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 8 2024 at 12:20 pm
parkerloves_zyan, Colorado Springs, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
wow so amazing and inspiring!