Train Station | Teen Ink

Train Station

March 16, 2024
By Ktowbin BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
Ktowbin BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My train of thought

Steers off the tracks

No going back

I forgot the starting point

And lost my ending

Trying to remember

Somewhere in the middle

My mind found you

As it always has and will continue to

I repeat the same words

Annoying myself with deja vu

The question of love

And the answer of cluelessness

The question of regret

And the conclusion of its lack

For heartbreak

Is the best thing

That can possibly happen

To an artist

You were the best thing

That could have possibly happened

To me

I like my knowledge surface level

And my emotions bone deep

You preferred to bleed your words

For all the world to see

The conversation stained

You are to blame

Sharing your pain

With a lack of shame

That remains unrivaled

To this day

Your hurt overshadowed

Mine every time

Yet still I stayed

Now two years have passed

I have steered of those tracks

No going back

But my train of thought

Still loves to stop

And ponder you

As I get snapped back

From my window seat

Forced to face reality

I conclude the same old tune

You always seem to sing

Which is that you

Despite all that rains true

My pain and muse

Were the best thing

That could have possibly happened

To me

The author's comments:

My first heartbreak is the inspiration for much of my writing, including this piece. I feel that even though he hurt me deeply, I would never change what happened because it taught me so much and gave me so many poems. 

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