¨Perfect¨ | Teen Ink


March 6, 2024
By alexpatras1975 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
alexpatras1975 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

practice does not make perfect

practice makes permanent 

it makes perseverance 

most of all i think it makes 


as a child you were constantly 

told by your parents, 




you were “such a perfectionist!”

a joke to them but it follows you

like your shadow in the summertime 

you see the scene is set for you and you 

must be

nothing less than perfect. 

ScienceDirect.com notes it is 

often accompanied by tendencies 

to be overly critical of what you see

when the mirror is finally cleaned 

you stand in that mirror 

lean in and fog up the glass

with your breath 

in the mist it tells you

“perfect does not exist”

and yes it knows you’ve heard 

that phrase time and time again

but i think it’s time you finally listened 

hovering over the sink 

picking at your nose and cheeks

bright pink blush in hopes they won’t see

but i see you

i see your heart 

you wear it on your sleeve

next to the tear stains and 

colorful paints and pottery clay 

she knows this but not 

in the same way 

i see the scars but under them 

i know is her

a breathing person with a pulse 

with kind eyes and infectious smile

a laugh that fills the room 

and is contagious like the flu 

i know she loves me,

and i hope she knows

i love her too

The author's comments:

For my best friend.

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