Songbird | Teen Ink


March 1, 2024
By Anonymous

I remember the first time someone looked at me

And said words they didn't mean

And you said chanel that 

Take every stick and stone 

And become a forest

But forests are all alone

And I forgot it

I'm an oak in such decrepit land

Scheming and scrounging for a plan

Much to headstrong to ask for a hand

But plants have wisdom so there never alone 

I'm a person not the badlands

With their thoughts and their sands 

I wanted to be a river or a spring

Gushing and freely flowing

With pretty poetic ramblings

Before you turned me into this thing

I only exist to write

Fight or flight 

Do you only want me so I can sing?

Because now I'm a songbird out of spite

I'm perched atop the trees 

Above you 

but always you I'm trying to please

A songbird out of spite

Singing till I can't breathe 

The author's comments:

This poem was written during a hard time. I was looking at my writing and at my songs with distaste I hated how hard I tried. This poem is a eulogy to the person who taught me to write and sing.

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