The Privilege of Malvern | Teen Ink

The Privilege of Malvern

February 29, 2024
By Pat_Davis BRONZE, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Pat_Davis BRONZE, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Going to Malvern is a privilege that not many receive

I was lucky to be one to receive that privilege

Although a great opportunity, sometimes you are judged.

I have gotten many different reactions from people when I tell them,

“I go to Malvern”

People are surprised, glad for me, some even talk about sending their son

But one reaction stuck with me and it is a common one

I was at AAU practice and my teammates asked me what school I go to

I said Malvern, and they were surprised

One teammate was like, that’s really expensive, one still shocked

I really enjoy going to Malvern but sometimes I feel out of place

After that practice, I felt like my teammates had a picture painted of me

They thought I was some rich kid who was unlike them, I was disappointed and mad


Even through all my worries and wondering if I was in the right place

Even though I may feel out of place at times

Malvern continues to make me feel welcome and at home 

But I must remember and not forget, Malvern is a privilege.

The author's comments:

I play basketball and I row.

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