I like to think | Teen Ink

I like to think

February 27, 2024
By GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I like to think
I like to think about the good side of life
Not the fact that I have many assignments due the next day
Not the fact that I have to keep my grades up in order to keep my privileges
Instead I rather like to think of
All of the privileges I am trusted with
All of the amazing free time to be with my buddies
I like to think about the time spent with family and friends
I like to think
I like to think about my amazing family in my life.
Not the fact that grandparents and loved ones are dying
Not the fact that most of the people you meet you are never even going to see again
But I would rather think of
Amazing Christmas mornings with relatives that are close and far
Hanging out with friends on the slopes
I like to think of all of the amazing family in my life
I like to think
I like to think of my free time
Not the fact that at least half of it is spent doing chores
Or homework
Not the fact that sometimes I have lots of extracurricular activities I don’t even want to be in
But I rather think of
Sitting down and playing video games for one, two, or even three hours at a time
Laying on my bed endlessly scrolling
I like to think
Of all the great things in life
Not all the bad

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