On the Run | Teen Ink

On the Run

February 27, 2024
By GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
GunnarM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gunshot goes off
Kickstart from the blocks
Inhale, Exhale,
Legs working on overdrive
Arms pumping
Long stride
Perfect stroke
One foot; then another

Two black shoes
Both with spikes
Red laces
One slipping out of place
Lose lace; Cracked aglet
Shoes flying
Hard track
Scraped hands; Bloody knees

Blood dripping; knees weakening
Breath trembling
Kickstart again
This time shoeless
A step
Then another
Back in stride; on the move
This time faster than before

Across the line
White socks now red
Oxygen filling my lungs
Legs regaining strength
Arms resting at my side
Medel put around my neck
Silver for 2nd place

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