Warm and Cozy | Teen Ink

Warm and Cozy

February 26, 2024
By OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
OHans7 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sun is such an amazing sight

It’s the vision and beauty of a calm silent night

She makes me feel so special

She makes me feel so happy

When I see her peek through the door

I am always so amazed 

By how beautiful she is

And how she leaves me in a phase

The sun is like my happy place

It’s where I leave all my worries

It’s like a giant pillow, I feel calm, and not in a hurry

I love the sun very much

It’s like my best friend

It’s like a beautiful dove in the air

And I don't even have to pretend

The sun also makes me sad, 

Like when it goes away

It gets really cold

And I don’t know what to do or  say

I just sit there in the dark

And weep away

The sun really is great

And I can tell you all about it 

Like how we all relate to it

And how it’s out there for all of us 

We just need to find it

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