Glow up, grow up? | Teen Ink

Glow up, grow up?

February 24, 2024
By rianaaa08 BRONZE, Delhi, Other
rianaaa08 BRONZE, Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.

-trent shelton

During the years 2021 and 2022, In my heart, no yearning to adorn for others’ sake did I find.

Instead, I beheld myself as the epitome of beauty, solely in his eyes. The world’s perception of me held no significance, Only his opinion mattered, it was my prize.

Stepping out with locks disheveled, I possessed an unwavering belief in my worth. Nothing and no one else held importance, Others’ opinions I chose to unearth.

However, in the year 2023, When that special someone’s gaze no longer met mine, An internal transformation called to me, A desire to alter, not for others’ validation, but for my own shrine.

My skin, my hair, my physique, Seeking change, not for judgment’s decree. I required assurance, deep and true, That my beauty was inherent, one with my soul’s decree.

With audacity, I embarked on this path, Embracing an air of arrogance, unbound. Time passed, and my emotions I confined, To a distant corner, where they scarcely made a sound.

As the closing year draws near, I yearn to release the energy that lingers in the past.

Carrying forth fragments of self-love, Into the upcoming year, may they forever last.

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