Fog Reverie | Teen Ink

Fog Reverie

February 4, 2024
By SM_007 BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
SM_007 BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It whispers the fog as it blows and billows,

Gothic cathedrals, faux silver chandeliers

Latent cries and impatient sighs of reckoned Byronic heroes,

Caskets of oranges, groves of wine they deny in belvederes.


The fog murmurs:


Ichor drip drips from pewter faucets now flows;

Hedonist divans people lounge and disappear,

Visceral, venereal hypodermic inflows,

Whiffs of feminine shawl and scarfs thrown cavalier.


The fog mumbles:


Lilly blossoms, cherry blooms congregate pillows,

Teak shelves reek of time lined with hollow spheres;

Antique somethings with blood diamonds glows,

Epicure; we die of three vices, said seers.


The fog speaks:


The women don’t speak of Michelangelo, and the men don’t speak of war.

The fog soliloquizes for all.

The author's comments:

I just wanted to try writing something with an extended metaphor. This is thematically about unfulfilled desires, fleeting beauty, and the contrast between hedonism and spirituality. I tried exploring these ideas through as vivid and evocative choice of words I was capable of

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