Liquid Smooth | Teen Ink

Liquid Smooth

January 31, 2024
By saturnscribes BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
saturnscribes BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I blink, I prepare to take my final conscious breath. My hands were trembling, my vision was hazy, I could hardly take viable steps. Feeling disconnected from the skin that encased me, I knew the performance of a lifetime was soon to start. Looking around into the eyes of my audience, my show began. 48 hours without fuel. 48 hours without nutrition. Ingrained in my brain was the belief that I could go longer. Stepping onto the stage, my kitchen, it in fact proved that I couldn’t. Like a beast, my eyes met every victim that would soon be confined in my body.

The author's comments:

This piece is partially inspired by Mitski and personal experience. I love Mitski and listening to Liquid Smooth really inspired me to write this poem :)

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