Time Flies | Teen Ink

Time Flies

January 31, 2024
By Anonymous

365 days. 12 months. Long time–but so short.

How does it go by so fast?

I ask my seven year old self that question. 

All of the Justice clothes I wore

Along with American Girl Dolls sitting on my floor. 

365 days. 12 months. Long time–but so short.

Next thing I know I am 12 years old.

Mercifully making musicallys.

It was me and my best friend- forever.

365 days. 12 months. Long time- but so short.

I am 16 now, talking about colleges.

I am wondering where all of the time went?

I am older now- forever young at heart.

The author's comments:

I submitted this to WFOP contest

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