Leaving Home/Welcoming the Stranger | Teen Ink

Leaving Home/Welcoming the Stranger

January 30, 2024
By Anonymous

As I look back at my journey

The challenges, the moments of glory

I am proud of who I've become

In this new land, I have overcome

For I am an immigrant, strong and bold

A story of resilience, waiting to be told

With each step, I've made a mark

Leaving behind a legacy, in this new park

I merge my past, my present, my future

In this new land, I am a nurturer

Of dreams, of hopes, of a better life

For my family, for my loved ones, in this new strife

I am an immigrant, with a heart full of love

A journey of courage, a journey of above.

A long journey, filled with fear

But hope in our hearts, we hold dear

Leaving everything we've ever known

For a chance at a better life, we've shown

I left my home, my land so dear

With heavy heart and streams of tears

A new world, a new life I must embrace

But memories of my past, I cannot erase

The sun sets on my homeland's shore

A bittersweet feeling, I can't ignore

The unfamiliar streets, the foreign tongue

But I must learn, for I am not young

I miss the smell of my mother's cooking

The sound of my father's laughter echoing

But here I am, in a land of new

Hoping for a chance, for a breakthrough

They say we steal their jobs, their livelihood

But little do they know, our hearts are good

We left our homes, our families behind

To give them a better life, a chance to shine

We work hard, from dawn to dusk

To send money back, to earn their trust

We are not here to take, but to give

For our families, for them to live

But still, we face discrimination and hate

For being different, for being a different state

We are all human, with the same dreams

Why can't we all be a part of the same team?

A new beginning, a fresh start

But with each step, a piece of me

Was left behind, a silent plea

To keep my roots, my culture strong

Amidst the changes, I didn't belong

I yearned for the familiar sights

The smells, the sounds, the warm delights

But here I am, a stranger still

In a foreign land, a foreign thrill

Yet as I walk this new terrain

I realize, I have much to gain

For with each challenge, I grow and learn

My journey within, a constant burn

I watched from afar, my heart in pain

As my loved ones boarded the train

To a land unknown, a distant shore

But a better life, they hoped for

I stayed behind, with heavy heart

Tearful goodbyes, a painful start

But I knew, for their sake

I had to let go, for their dreams to take

As I stood on this foreign ground

An outsider, a lost soul found

I saw the struggles, the sacrifices made

For a better future, a brighter shade

And though I miss my home, my past

I know, this new land will last

For my family, my loved ones dear

I'll embrace this change, without fear

Together we'll build a new life

With hope, with love, with little strife

For we are immigrants, with dreams in sight

A journey of courage, a journey of might.

"Welcoming the Stranger"

Land of freedom, land of dreams

A nation built on diverse streams

A stranger in our midst, a foreign face

But let us greet them with love and grace

For they left their home, their comfort zone

People from afar, seeking a new start

On the shores of America, they find their heart

Some came by choice, others by force

Leaving behind their old, embracing a new course

From every corner of the world they came

To America, with hopes and dreams aflame

To seek a better life, to make a new home

Let us show them our customs, our ways

As they brought with them their culture and their ways

Lets listen to their stories, their past days

With hard work and determination, they thrive

For they bring with them a rich culture

One we can learn from, one we can nurture

In this melting pot, their identities come alive

They crossed over, seeking a better order

Leaving behind their homes and loved ones

In search of a brighter future under the American sun

Their stories are woven into the fabric of this nation

From the Native Americans to the newest generation

They are the backbone, the strength of this land

Their contributions, we must always understand

No longer a stranger, but a friend

Adding colors to the American landscape for days

With open arms, America welcomes all

Our hearts and homes, we must extend

From the humblest beginnings to standing tall

Diversity is our strength, our pride

As we continue to welcome those seeking to reside

So let us remember, as we stand tall

That we are all immigrants, one and all

Together we build this great nation

For in this land of opportunity

A land of freedom and equal opportunity for all Americans.

We can all live in unity

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