The Colour Of Their Eyes | Teen Ink

The Colour Of Their Eyes

January 14, 2024
By Lily_Aristia BRONZE, Lahore, Other
Lily_Aristia BRONZE, Lahore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Icy blue,

her eyes revealed

a tapestry of lies,

an abyss of the long-forgotten,

haunting memories,

a broken promise,

and a forgotten smile,

never-ending and nevermore.


Rich brown,

his eyes marvelled

a soft breeze echoing

through the vestiges of time,

nature’s beauty pronounced,

autumn’s love dwelt deep,

embracing the world

with its freedom.


Forest green,

her eyes glistened

the thrill of flight,

uncontrolled laughter,

her hair whipped

as she soared

through the grassy plains so wide,

her trusty steed never failing,

a bond till,

the end of time.


Foamy Turquoise,

his eyes dimmed

as he descended

into the blue,


pervading his senses.

Weightless and calm,

the waves lulled,

gently guiding him,

to another land.


Steely grey,

her eyes sharpened,

a stained sword,

an image burning into her heart.

Courageous and desperate,

she stood tall,

undeterred amongst the rubble,

the battlefield claimed,

by the scent of copper.


Fiery amber,

his earnest eyes,

perceived the world

as a vibrant blaze.


his domain,

and the brush,

his voice.

Passion overflowing

the canvas,

life surged,

at his command.

The author's comments:

I am a student who aspires to write words that resonate deeply with people's hearts. For this piece, I drew inspiration from the rich symbolism of colours and associated events and items to each eye colour based on my personal perception.

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