victorian era emo man | Teen Ink

victorian era emo man

January 10, 2024
By otterlyunacceptable BRONZE, Everett, Washington
otterlyunacceptable BRONZE, Everett, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I feel like I'm walking to the gallows, but not for me; for the person I love." -Avior, Redacted Audio

modern clothing that is like that of a gothic vampire's

dyed hair that is like that of a skunk's fur

eyes that have a glint like that of a scheming cat's

yet he is melancholy like a rainy day

standing out against the bright sun

he may as well be the moon

for he only comes out at night

to lurk as if he were a monster

someone who doesn't belong in this time

standing out like a sore thumb

maybe he doesn't believe it either

distancing himself like his feelings are contagious

i open myself like a flower under his gaze

trying to show him my affection

yet he ignores me as if i were a dandelion

passing by like i wasn't even there

however he is my fertilizer

i will pop at his feet no matter where he goes

telling him that it'll be okay

providing comforting hugs like a weighted blanket

he still doesn't get it

that some can like a monster like him

that not all people are the sun

that he is not a vampire

it's complicated

trying my hardest like a woodpecker attempting to chop a tree

while he is like a beaver building a dam

two forces against against each other

he believes that he is protecting himself

that i am like water that will flood his home

that i am like a flower with an intoxicating aroma

that will take him to no-man's land

i truly want to get through to him

to land like a bee on his own flower

to show him that i will appreciate him no matter what

to tell him that as long as he is here i will love him

he doesn't listen

like a moody teenager with their headphones on and music turned all the way up

listening to the sound of denial and escape

disregarding all of the world

only to disappear with a pained smile

The author's comments:

a poem for the character Baxter Ward from the game Our Life: Beginnings and Always! he's one of my favorite characters ever, being incredibly tragic in a way that makes you want to squish his cheeks before punching him in the face. love him, though!!

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