To The Boy I Thought The World Would End Over | Teen Ink

To The Boy I Thought The World Would End Over MAG

December 19, 2023
By Anonymous

Since I made the poor decision
To give the football boy a chance,
I now have to worry

Every time I think I see your car on the street
Whether it is in front of me, behind me
Or on the right or left

Everytime the song that sparked our connection,
Starts playing in my car,
Or comes on in my airpods while sitting in class.

Every time I hear another person quote our inside jokes
Or makes fun of me for the way I say something,
I wonder if you put them up to it.

Every time I see your name,
In every ¨followed by¨ on Instagram,
Because you follow half the High School.

Every time I hear someone make a joke,
About an eating disorder
Because you never failed to remind me of mine.

Every time I'm reminded you now hangout with someone I called my friend,
The girl who was the first phone call after you left,
Crying and gasping for air, as she told me you weren't worth it.

Yet, somehow I still yearn for you
But my heart wants what my head knows I can't have,
I crave your comforting words but hate your presence.

Then again, I remind myself;
I'm only 16,
And my world is indeed not going to end, over a dumb boy.

The author's comments:

This piece was written after I finally accepted the breakup and felt the relief of moving on.

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