a not so merry christmas | Teen Ink

a not so merry christmas

December 15, 2023
By Goffkylie_24 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
Goffkylie_24 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Christmas survival kit, what a great find. 

But underneath the surface, it’s a hard time to unwind.

The kit isn’t meant to bring joy, but instead to console.

It’s to get through the holidays and the pain it brings back with my own soul’s control.

The hot chocolate isn’t meant for a sweet taste, but to distract. 

It’s to forget all the memories of the past.

So my heart might not get attacked. 

The fuzzy socks are meant to keep you warm, 

but instead, it serves as a veil.

It’s to cover all the cuts and bruises I’ve gotten from life’s battles, they’re so real.

The cozy blanket is meant to snuggle up in, 

but instead serves as a shield. 

Block out the world, the pain it comes with, and the wounds that never heal.


I’m not ready to celebrate, nor am I ready to find joy,

But I’ll use these things to get by, and hopefully, one day I’ll have the strength to try again. 

The author's comments:

it's about being alone on the holidays, the feelings you feel, and how a 'Christmas survival kit' was to help you feel better on the holidays. 

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