Beauty is a pain | Teen Ink

Beauty is a pain

December 15, 2023
By Anonymous

I love to feel so squeaky clean and smelling like a field of flowers,

But I hate having to force my body to rise out of its coffin to get into the shower.

I love to have long and luscious hair, so soft and fluffy that strangers ask to touch it,

But I hate running combs and brushes through it feeling like it’s going to rip off my scalp.

I love to have shiny white teeth that sparkle in the sunlight,

But I hate picking up each leg to walk to the sink and the metallic taste of bleeding gums.

I love to have the clearest and softest skin that glows bright in the right lighting,

But I hate rubbing fifty different creams, all promising cleansing only to eat away at my skin.

I love to choose out what cute shirt goes with which warm and comfortable jacket,

But I hate spending the little energy I have picking up the rejected outfits off the floor after.

I love to express myself and my individuality in all ways, feminine and masculine alike,

But I hate all the pairs of judgemental eyes staring down at me.

I love being observant to all of life’s beauty that lies in the small things,

But I hate that my eyes are the most judgemental.

Beauty is a pain.

The author's comments:

This poem meant a lot to me because the subject matter was beauty and appearance and the ups and downs of it being so important to you. It is about how nice it can feel to look good or feel fresh. It is also about how it can feel to so desperately want to achieve perfection but “failing”. 

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