BOOM | Teen Ink


December 14, 2023
By sford031507 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
sford031507 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How boring

He won’t stop talking

On and on, 

The clock ticks slowly

Time is slowed

I want to go home

I want to take a nap


What was that


Was that a gun


Screams, they’re horrible

He rushes to the door

Running, people are running

Is this really happening


It’s close

Who is it?

Why are they doing this?

He locks the door 

Covers the window

Turn off the lights

We hide, all is quite


She covers her cry


She hides her face in my chest


The sound is deafening

It’s so close

bang, Bang, BANG

They’re next door

More screams


Muffled cries



I hold my friend close

I can’t lose her

The window

Maybe we can escape

I crawl over

check the window

It opens slightly

I push it open 

Looking back I see them

They’re following me

I motion for them 

to crawl out quietly

My teacher approaches

His eyes are panicked 

Yet he smiles at me

He helps me out

He follows out and we hear it

The bang on our door 




The author's comments:

“BOOM” is a social commentary on the subject of school shootings. I wanted to present a poem in which the narrator lives but is left traumatized. Many people don’t understand that events such as school shootings leave a mark on the community as a whole not just the families of those who were injured or killed. The narrator in my poem is shown to be strong in the face of danger but also very much human as she is terrified of what could happen. More people need to understand the harm of loose gun control laws in the states and how they are harming the young populations in schools as well as teachers. Children are scared to go to school because they don’t know if someone could finally break and come to their school with a gun. It’s sad and terrifying to think you could go to school one day and not return home later.

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