Soulmate Strings | Teen Ink

Soulmate Strings

December 14, 2023
By rwilkins813 BRONZE, Leo, Indiana
rwilkins813 BRONZE, Leo, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if our souls were woven together

The sunshine gold and midnight blue

Delicate strands, yet thick as leather

Sworn to be overdramatic and true.

If you made me a promise and kept it

And i kept your heart locked up tight

Grant you wont remember to forget it

Or disappear through sleepless nights.

If i was burned before and you stay still

Promise youll keep me in patience.

If the strands interlacing tighter kill

Are you willing to suffer with my presence?

I, of course, will hope i’m always enough

But I’ve been known to frequent bad days.

So for a period of time, the pain’s everlasting and rough

Could you still pledge that you will stay?

You’ve been my sunshine in the thunder

Holding me up when I slip down.

It’s no secret I’ve long thought you a wonder

Inventing a smile from a long held frown.

I’ll listen with love and constant adoration

To the golden glimmer of our heart strings

And just in case soulmates are only imagination

Can i hold you dear through all life brings?

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