The Balance of Nature | Teen Ink

The Balance of Nature

December 13, 2023
By Anonymous

The rivers run dry, the soil erodes,
The ecosystem destroyed, a painful ode,
For the balance of nature, has been disrupted,
And the future of life, left interrupted.

The trees are cut down, the air is polluted,
The animals are dying, the earth is looted,
For the balance of nature, has been disrupted,
And the future of life, left interrupted.

The oceans are warming, the ice caps melting,
The coral reefs dying, the sea life pelting,
For the balance of nature, has been disrupted,
And the future of life, left interrupted.

The world is changing, the climate is shifting,
The weather is extreme, the people are drifting,
For the balance of nature, has been disrupted,
And the future of life, left interrupted.

We must act now, to save our planet,
To restore the balance, and not take it for granted,
For the balance of nature, must be respected,
And the future of life, must be protected.

The author's comments:

I'm a student.

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