Eclipse of Dreams: A Dance with Night and Light | Teen Ink

Eclipse of Dreams: A Dance with Night and Light

December 13, 2023
By ellewlgs SILVER, Beijing, Other
ellewlgs SILVER, Beijing, Other
9 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Connive me falling down in the thick night,

Stare the dying dusk with silent eyes,

Waiting last light submerge the horizon.

Tear come out, but not cried.

All magnificent view like a hurricane disappears from my sight,

Oh light, night and day's fight.

Let me sleep down in the thick night,

Obtain a utopia with dragon and knight,

wear my ornate dress and wave my blade,

rebel the wrong and right.

Allow me dying in the thick of night,

and break the shackles that are twined.

View surround me chaos and white,

I stand on the muddy road and run to the light,

Light, blinding illuminate.

Oh light, thick night's lie.


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