The First Drop | Teen Ink

The First Drop

December 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Just got this new BR, by a company call Epic Games

Can't wait to play, got adrenaline running through my veins

Loading up the launcher, looking at the loading screen

Ways to play like this, they’ve never been seen

Just got into the lobby, viewing that battle pass

Danm, hold on, this game looks like straight gas

Checking out the shop, might cop a skin

I tell myself, maybe if I win, maybe if I win

Well now it's time, getting ready to run a game

Hoping and praying, that a dub is what I’ll claim

Floating in a blue bus, looking at the fresh new map

Surveying all the locations, which is first to unwrap

Gotta choose fast, can't choose too slow

Then I got it, I'm dropping Retail Row

Falling down, I look around, there must be a million people, landing here

Pulling out my glider, feeling anxious, it must be fear

Landing on a house, start to hear a chest

Inside is a gold scar, feeling very blessed

Running through the streets, confidence starting to soar

But too my left ear, an RPG starts to roar

Run, hide, or build

Whichever one, don't get killed

I decide to fight, shooting one, two, three

All it took was some warning shoots, for my adversary to flee

Twenty people remain

My skill starts to motivate my brain

But I got to move quick, the storm screaming in my face

I start to sprint, like Usain Bolt in a race

Down to top ten, my heart starts beating

This lobby still has players, it needs to start depleting

Fights break out around me

All with my scope I oversee 

Final Four, and I have a player in my sight

I zoom in and see the Black Knight

I take the shot, I have to hit

And then there were two

Could this be? A win on my debut

But my base gets under fire

The situation becomes dire

I turn around, and return with shots of my own

Hit after hit as I get ready to claim my throne

Cracked, maybe even one HP

The win seems to be a guarantee

When the final shot lands, I start to feel it in my morale 

On my first ever game of Fortnite, I get a Victory Royale!

The author's comments:

I loved to play video games especially when I was younger so I decided to make a poem to express my fun time in the first game that I played.

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