The Next Step | Teen Ink

The Next Step

November 29, 2023
By mattrich333 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
mattrich333 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A choice of schools at our feet,

If only the choice wasn’t ours.

Contemplating which path to meet,

I imagine my life after this feat

As I attempt to see future scars.

I look at one, charming and lively,

As red bricks populate large green lawns, 

And people cheer for touchdowns and parties.

With even Dad going there for his studies.

A single day there would leave no thorns.

Yet the next school was even more of a stun,

Lawns just as green, people just as cheery.

Seemingly my mind feels as if it’s at square one

Just as the moon follows the sun,

I still search for my degree.

Ten years from now, I reflect on all my feats

With a job, a wife, and the same spirit.

A choice of schools was at my feet,

Much could have gone wrong, yet I see

That choice was simply buying the ticket.

The author's comments:

This piece is meant to be a pastiche of the late Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken". This is meant to reflect the realities of high school seniors choosing a college to go to.

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