Tribute to Anne Frank | Teen Ink

Tribute to Anne Frank

November 16, 2023
By MavridoglouMaria BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
MavridoglouMaria BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world should be honored with freedom 

The Franks were there for over 2 years, yearning for change, something new

The attic was like an owl, silent as ever and ever to come

But the attic kept the memories, whispering only the truth





Anne knew the golden gate of her words could transport her to a safe place

She could visualize that place like a beacon of light

Her diary held the secrets big enough to fill an elephant trunk to tail

A secret not so hidden. 

She favored her father so much that sometimes 

she felt like a dog after it bites its owner

Guilt would flood her like a plagued river 

Anne tried so hard to enjoy her time

But her inevitable fate was a raven 

Anne had no care for that 

for she smiled out the single window with a glorious grin that plastered her face

She wished to be free

Free from the box of the soundless attic 

Anne and her family were freed from that box

But that freedom did not last long 

Her father was the only to survive 

It was the sour aftertaste of a horrid memory 

It was as if death gripped it’s wretched, cold fingers around Anne and her family


Anne valued hope

As the world grew older her outlook sprung forward 

It forgot to bring Anne along,

leaving the person who lifted the rain with her umbrella of imagination behind

Anne could see her freedom 

That is why she had hope

We can bear witness to what happened by sharing her story

Not the story of the bad side of the world

But her story 

Anne should have been honored with freedom

The author's comments:

This is something to continue to honor Anne frank.

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