College Admission Boast | Teen Ink

College Admission Boast

November 12, 2023
By JimmySu BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
JimmySu BRONZE, Hamden, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Personal Boast inspired by Beowulf

Greetings to Yale, the oasis of knowledge. I am Su, former Hamden Hall kinsman 

and now reigning Woodstock Academy’s kinsman. 

When I was younger, I had great triumphs. 

Then news of college admissions, very hard to ignore, 

reached me at home: teachers and scholars brought lores

 of your school, a quest for excellence, forever more.

Everywhere I roam, your name shines brightest,

everywhere I settle, your name echoes through it all,

so every experienced teacher and counselor among my people 

supported my resolve to apply here to you, Yale.

because all knew of my awesome feats.

They had seen the battle-born me boltered upstage in front of a seething sea of scholars

when I read speeches in front of hundreds of souls,

conquered and annihilated the language and cultural barrier 

when I moved to US from China,

lead students with a visionary hand as presidents of clubs and student councils,

raided the troll-nest of bullying and discriminations and in the night-sea 

slaughtered unfairness.

My diverse background, along with my diversified portfolio

defines me as who I am,

I am able to take the highest calculus class the school has to offer,

and also thrive in the highest English class,

I often form a bridge between the native and foreign students of the school to connect them together

I also stand here not of a stranger to your gates,

for once, I ventured within your campus

in Yale Young Global Scholars program, I did get a sneak peak, or rather,

a taste of your excellence, I longed for more.

Now I’m here, Yale, with purposes burning bright,

 I mean to be a change maker within the community, 

I bring to your door, a scholar, a leader, an extroverted friend seeking to make more positive social and academic changes to the already reputable community,

My request, O Yale, 

to join amongst a prestigious community and claim my spot among your halls, 

to foster my leadership and learning, 

to connect with intellectuals

and quench my thirst for knowledge,

If my application is denied, it will be a bad day to remember;

though it’ll be hard to accept failures, I won’t let it affect me too much,

I will still strive for greatness, and continue my quest for educational prowess,

Fate goes ever as fate must.

The author's comments:

Beowulf's ability to brag about his achievements and fully convince Hrothgar to let him fight with his men inspired me to write a boast in hopes of convincing Yale to admit me:)

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