Winter | Teen Ink


November 6, 2023
By 5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss the winter that felt so festive.

I miss the feeling of security I had those nights.

I miss the smell of the fresh snowfall.

I miss having no worries, no need to overthink.

I miss the twinkle of holiday lights.

I miss the warmth of hot cocoa by the fire.

I miss the joy of friends and family nearby.

I miss the moments that we all would share.

I miss the sound of laughter in the cold.

I miss the snowflakes on my nose and cheeks.

I miss the memories we made back then.

I miss the magic of those winter weeks.

I miss the way the world transformed in white.

I miss the peace that came with every flake.

I miss the hope that winter always brought.

I miss being young in the winter.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my experiences as a child in the winter time. The emotions I felt and the sensations I perceived. I often find myself missing the way I felt back then and this poem was a way to reconnect me to those emotions. I believe that many people felt the same way about winter when they were young. It was always so magical and fun. There were no worries, we were off from school, there was fresh snow, and Christmas was just around the corner. It was a time when the world was transformed by winter's touch, everything was like a dream. Writing this poem allowed me to rekindle that childlike wonder and the emotions I experienced during those months as a young child. It was a time when the world was wrapped in a blanket of white, and the sight of a snow-covered landscape brought immeasurable joy. My poem is repetitive because that's how winter could feel, and even though it was repetitive, it was often so much fun as a kid.

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