The Flower | Teen Ink

The Flower

November 6, 2023
By Anonymous

In 2016 a flower came to me. I held it very dear to me. Its stem grew tall and green and its petals grew bright and high. Everyday, once I entered the classroom buzzing with kids at 8 am sharp, there it was, with its beaming face and a smile ever so bright my eyes would sting. The flower with its soft gentle leaves, would point to a seat next to it, and there I would sit. As if clockwork, I would spend hours with my beloved flower everyday, playing our favorite songs, and listening to each other talk. Where I went it went, where it went I went. Our time together went by quicker than lightning . What I felt were hours together slowly became months, and then years. Before I knew it, it was 2020. Eventually, the flower had chosen a different path away from me for she had many followers because of her attractive personality. I was never to see her again.  In 2021, when I entered the classroom, I met many other flowers who shone brighter than she. Ever since, I vowed to never part with them. Before I knew it it was 2023 and my flowers were still with me. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this set piece to learn and experiment how to write using personification. In my set piece, I personified a flower to symbolize a friendship of mine from the past.

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