A letter to my father | Teen Ink

A letter to my father

November 3, 2023
By Jiao BRONZE, Congers, New York
Jiao BRONZE, Congers, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not everyday will be a good day but having the will to get yourself up and keep going is what makes you strong

It was warm, almost too warm but just the right warmth. Like a mother lovingly holding onto her child. Like a circle of protection that you could just feel, there… but not at the same time. The sun shining brightly through the blinds, lighting up the living room like a perfect scene in a movie. The realness of it made me forget everything. Quietness. Everything could be heard. But yet… silence is all you heard. 

“Your mother and I are getting a divorce” 

 wait… what 


That can’t be right 


We were the perfect family 


We were the role models for everything 


We can’t break apart 


We HAVE to stay a family 



May 1st 2021 



Dad…? Where are you? 

Why did you do it…? 

Why did you leave? 


Did you always not care

Why did you always look upset when you were the one causing harm

Why did you have to use drugs that your friends gave you 

Why did you have to be so brazen 

Why did you hit us  for no reason

Why did you always believe your friends  or act like them 

Why did you never care for your family 

Why did you never want to be proud of me … 


November 3rd 2023 

I have written you three letters since you’ve left. 

Never once did I receive a response, never once was I given an explanation.  

I never nagged you to like you nagged me.  

You always told me to speak my truth, and when I did, you never liked it.  

You’ve dragged mummy through the dirt. 

You’ve left everything to her to fix. 

And now… now you want to come back? 

To what? 

Be a father that you never were? 

To have access to whatever you want again? 

To prove to your friends that you are the






you claimed to be? 

It’s been three years father 

I can’t even say that I refer to you as that anymore 

I can’t call you my father 

I refuse 

You had many times and chances to fix our relationship

You could have…

But you never did 

You never tried too 

All you were worried about was your image 

All you care for was your race car and racing friends 

All you cared about was your eldest child  

Who was perfect no matter what 

Who quite frankly doesn’t want to talk to you either 

All you wanted was the perfect image 

The perfect smiles 

The perfect wife 

The perfect child 

You had it 

But you abused it 

You broke it 

You hurt it 

You rather trade it to sleep with some random chick at your job 

You rather trade it to now go play father for some random fifth grader 

You never cared for the people who got you where you are now 

You never cared for others health 

You never tried to fix what was wrong of you 

You never tried to help to raise me  ever

You never tried to help mummy 

Father …

It’s been three long years 

Three long years without you here

Three long years without speaking to you 

All I ever hear about you is crazy things 

All I hear about is your new girlfriends 

All I hear about is how you don’t have enough money for something 

All I ever get told is that my home is broken 

All I ever get is taunted because of you 

All I ever get is hurt because of you 

Missing you 

Was my worst mistake  

Caring for you 

Was my worst mistake 

Believing you would change 

Was my worst mistake 

Here written out are the things you will never hear though 

The things you never cared to listen to 

The girl who you broke 

The daughter of whom you’ve left 

The wife that loved you of whom you’ve hurt 

Here lies the truth about how I as your daughter feel  about her own father

Here is the truth that everyone oh so wanted 

Here is everything 

Written out 

By One 



Who Doesn’t 








I don't need you anymore 

The author's comments:

Hello! A bit about this piece is that it is inspired by actual things that have happen in my life. I want everyone to take away from this piece that abuse comes in different types of forms. People tend to hide it. Usually the victims are too scared to say anything. So please if you want to take away just one thing from this, help those in need but don't try to dictate how they should "stereo typically" be feeling. Thank you for reading this

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