My Own Story | Teen Ink

My Own Story

November 2, 2023
By jrichardson0905 BRONZE, Warren, Michigan
jrichardson0905 BRONZE, Warren, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am my own person

Nobody can tell me otherwise

I am stronger than an elephant 

From my good decisions 

To my bad decisions 

I am still my own person

I will never give up

No matter how bad I mess up

People may tell me 

”Just give up”

But I never will

I am the master of my fate

nobody else makes my decisions

I make my own decisions

My life has more power than a wizard

even if someone hits me over the head

I will get up and try again

no matter how hard I fail

I will get up and try again

My message to other people is

never give up

don't let other people write your story

you write your own story

never let anyone hit your head

if they do dont hit them back

just get back up and keep trying

i have experienced this

but all you can do

is pick yourself up

and try again

write your own story

Don't let anyone else write your story

life is a lot better

when you write your own story

The author's comments:

My name is Justin and i wrote this poem to encourage my self and other people to be themselves and don't let anyone tell them who to be.

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