rose-tinted glasses | Teen Ink

rose-tinted glasses

October 26, 2023
By jellifish PLATINUM, Foster City, California
jellifish PLATINUM, Foster City, California
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

everyone wants to be seen,

until they realize that being seen ≠ being valued


everyone wants to be loved,

until they realize that love = work


everyone wants to be somebody,

until they realize that in the constant judgment & scrutiny


upon your flailing, floating reputation,

volatility is your enemy.


click: cameras capture your every action

click: you’re high up but now you’re stuck


they call it heaven & they call it eternity

did you forget that you can’t leave heaven?


everyone wants something,

until you realize that every pro comes with a con


sometimes, you’ll spend your whole life wishing,

& only one day you’ll see


rose-tints & ignorance

alter your favor to the unknown.

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