Swimming for Hope | Teen Ink

Swimming for Hope

October 20, 2023
By Zero_Carter SILVER, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Zero_Carter SILVER, Kalamazoo, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I want to be content with being an abandoned doll.

Since childhood you have drown me in your

sea of black tar,

blocking out the rest of the world.

I have been constantly struggling to keep my head

above the waters of your making.

No matter how strong of a swimmer I may be, you always find a way to grab my ankle

and pull me under. 

You are a siren singling your deadly song, luring me to my


And I am the gullible sailor letting you; 

even if I know you are my demise, 

I no longer have the energy to block out your melody.


But even as the blackness surrounds me, blocking the sun from sight

It is still there.

It throws me a lifebuoy and tugs me back to the surface

Reminding me

I am still here.

I still have something to swim for.

And even if it's for a little bit

the sun's rays surround me

clearing the inky waters. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about the constant struggle depression brings. I have struggled with it for as long as I can remember and it is an uphill battle. It's like trying to swim to the surface of a sea of tar. If you feel like you may be a threat to yourself or others, seek professional help. Don't be afraid to reach out. Don't be scared to find your sun; it may just clear your waters. 

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