Lantern | Teen Ink


October 16, 2023
By qwerty345 GOLD, New York, New York
qwerty345 GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't hide your feelings. Write about them instead!

You were a bright light that always shone,

no matter how dark it was outside.

Your light was what I always found myself chasing. 

I chased your flawlessness

and I always found myself falling short. 

You were something that was always just beyond my reach. 

A flower that bloomed ceaselessly. 

I found myself envying you. 

For what could I do but admire how great you were?

I was in awe.

I paled tremendously in comparison. 

There was nothing I could do to match you. 

My heart sank. 

I fell into a bottomless despair. 

Little did I know,

you would be the one to pull me out. 

And share some of your light with me.

I thought that if I kept reaching

for your light,

one day,

like petals

it would begin to wither

and die away.

But I gradually realized that 

your light was not limitless.

It only seemed that way because

you were stoking its flame the whole time. 

You guided me through the darkness 

and kept staying by my side.

Until I had a small light of my own.

All thanks to you. 

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