We Found Peace In Puerto Rico | Teen Ink

We Found Peace In Puerto Rico

September 29, 2023
By Mx-MAtchaLatt3 BRONZE, Browns Summit, North Carolina
Mx-MAtchaLatt3 BRONZE, Browns Summit, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Grumpy Bikers stare out in judgment

My family has strayed off to the beach

With no intention to return or repent

As water hits dusty palms, sunset in reach


We Splash further into deep blue

Mouths filled with sunshine and salt

This hidden oasis we'll hold true

Rock free sand cradles feet after each floaty walt


And as the rain began to drizzle

We jumped for joy, showered by pure miracle

The sky stayed sunny and bright, the day felt historical 

Our euphoria refused to sizzle

The author's comments:

Hi! This is my first piece here! I usually don't include rhyme and stuff (this was for a class assignment) but I read this over and was like "hey, this isn't awful," so I figure its a good first debut here. Anyways hope y'all like it :).

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