kiss goodnight | Teen Ink

kiss goodnight

September 21, 2023
By aminabektasevic BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
aminabektasevic BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

when it’s time to go to bed

and no one is there to tuck me in or sing me a lullaby

you are my lullaby to help me fall asleep

my big fluffy blanket to keep me hidden away from the cold.

when I get scared of the monsters under my bed or in my closet

you are my nightlight in the dark telling me it will all be okay.

when you are there,

I sleep better,

and when you aren’t there,

I don’t sleep at all.

for you I would sit awake all night

until you came to give me a kiss and tell me goodnight

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