The Letter to Heaven | Teen Ink

The Letter to Heaven

September 21, 2023
By 5harris PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
5harris PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
33 articles 19 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You Are Your Home"
-Erin Hansen

Dear Dad, 

I would love to see you again, I miss you so much. If I could save one thing I would save that stuffed animal lamb that you gave me at my first birthday, the last time I saw you. I really want to see you again dad. You brought me into this world and it was so hard to live without you. I know I barely know you, but that stuffed animal is so important to me. I wish you could see how far I've come in life. I'm in junior year now, so close to graduating, and I've been pushing through with my mental health. I've come so far because of that stuffed animal. I sleep with it every night, held close to my heart, just like I hold you close to my heart. Things have been better lately, not just in school, and family, but in missing you. I know I can go on in life without you now. I've learned to live in peace and harmony, and not ruin or hurt myself in any way anymore. That stuffed animal is mine and mine forever, till the day I die. That stuffed animal kept me alive when I was feeling waves of emotion crashing over me, and felt like coming up by you forever. I’m in a better place now, no more hospital visits, or treatment centers for six hours a day, your love in that lamb kept me alive. I know I won't see you for a long time now, but I hope you're watching over me and seeing how well I'm doing. I still miss you dearly, like red, deep dark red, blood color almost, but I will keep going for you, and mom. Even though my heart bleeds for you, and my mind is trapped inside my skull, I want to keep that lamb stuffed animal forever. I never want to lose that memorie of you, you are still always on my mind, no matter what, awake, tired, restless, working, school and even dreaming, I see you, I would save that stuffed animal to keep you in me forever, that animal is not replaceable, and I couldn't make those memories again with you until I die, that is irreplaceable, the time, effort, money, and memories can't be made again, not until I meet you up in heaven. I love you dad, dearly, and I hope you see now that I can't live without those memories.

Love, your daughter 

The author's comments:

This piece is about me and one thing I would save, except its written in letter form, to my dad. He passed away when I was seven years old, due to a drug-related heart attack. Its been very hard to move on since that, as I saw it on the news, and his obituary is published in the New York Times.

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