Senoir Year | Teen Ink

Senoir Year

September 19, 2023
By carroll20 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
carroll20 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Senior Year


The feeling is great.

Oldest in the school and almost out of this place.

Senior year seemed like it would never come.

Now I wish this year was farther away.


“Senior year is a breeze,” they say.

“You barely do anything,” they say.

However, senior year is quite the opposite.

Never-ending lists of tasks that need to be done.


“Where are you going next year?”

“What are you going to do with the rest of your life?”

“Are you staying close to home or moving away?”

So many questions and I have no answers.


Choices that impact my whole future.

Classes that give me more anxiety than knowledge.

Working to find a way to pay for college.

But wait, what happened to the fun part?


Too many lasts and too many tears.

Last homecoming. Last prom. Last high school year.

I cannot forget about the last time.

The last time we will be together.


People I have been with since kindergarten.

Some will stay in touch.

Others may drift away

but many I will not see again after the last day.


Friday night lights, man it was fun.

Student sections cheering loud and proud.

Football team soaking in the glory.

Soon it too will all be over.


Before I know it, the day is here.

I walk with my classmates.

Caps and gowns are all you see,

and now I walk across the stage.

The author's comments:

The start on senior year inspired me to write about how I was feeling overwhelmed and everything feels like it is happening so fast. 

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