Id | Teen Ink


August 20, 2023
By AP3rsonLIkeYOu BRONZE, Vancover, Washington
AP3rsonLIkeYOu BRONZE, Vancover, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Take me at my primal

Hold my blood flesh and  bone

Paint my name on the darkest corner

of the cave where all that can

be heard is the heartbeat 

Of all that is 

all that has hunger

Teeth saliva 

and tears for

You are as ugly as I

We're all naked and  wrapped in silk

Our clothes are made by moths

Our words are said with bare gums all our 

teeth are falling out

The author's comments:

 People are messy.  People are  animals of blood, nerves- Awkward silences, shaking hands.  Nervous ramblings. Yet; isn't what we desire not to be elevated above these imperfections, but to be loved for them?

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