The Sound of Silence | Teen Ink

The Sound of Silence

July 30, 2023
By shani2005 BRONZE, Gardena, California
shani2005 BRONZE, Gardena, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today the specks of sunlight on me gleam,
Eternal and forever it may seem
Today the birds are chirping distinct and clear,
Yet we remain uncertain of what is near.

Time is ticking, hoping to remind us
How fragile life is, so give yourself a nudge
Towards all the things you ever wish to succeed
Before The Sound of Silence beams.

Opportunities are laid in every nook and cranny,
So do not receive your means by being uncanny.
Practice mindfulness and peace of mind
And you will find yourself in a world that is kind.

Have the courage to introspect yourself
And understand the importance of the little things
It is okay to admit if you need help,
As long as you achieve stability within.

Our time here is limited, let us use it wise
And aim to be a blessing in disguise
It is we who decides who we want to be
Before The Sound of Silence beams.

The author's comments:

This is merely an ode to life.

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