And So I Fall | Teen Ink

And So I Fall

July 27, 2023
By shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are times when I imagine 

Our last hug

Our breath in unison for the last time

Swallow me

Sometimes I imagine

Starting anew

Waking up 

Feeling my soft eyelashes

Wiping the dust from my eyes

Under the weight of my bed 

I crawl back to my feet

Swallow me

Sometimes I imagine 

The tide 

Consuming me

I'm yours 


Swallow me


And so I fall

Deep into your depths 

The author's comments:

We often lose people in our lives. If we can find a way to be okay with change it won't be so scary to have people come and go. I wrote this piece with that thought in mind. 

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