Mother of the Year | Teen Ink

Mother of the Year

July 17, 2023
By Jacob-Braun SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Jacob-Braun SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


You are the gift during the spring of birthdays.  

A present who teaches me to live in the present.

You are the ruler of which I measure my passing years.

You are in every core memory I have collected.

You enrich my life with your presence,

Because you are the present.

You are the cool water of my hot summer days.

Whether it be at the beach or our pool you are there.

You wash away the irritating sand of my life,

and you promise relaxing hours spent drifting across the pool’s surface.

You are the silence under the water,

and the laughter when I emerge.

You are the glowing bonfire of an autumn night.

You illuminate the shadows of fear

and you radiate warms against the cold, evening air.

You are the nostalgic smell of smoke that climbs for the clouds

and the taste of s’mores that melts in my mouth

Your conversations make staying up ‘till midnight worth it.

You are home during Winter.

You provide warmth from the freezing Wisconsin weather.

You consistently have hot chocolate waiting for me on the island

You play the Christmas movies that remind me of a simpler time

But you are more than just a house.

you are home, all have been and always will be.

As seasons and years fly by you have always been there.

Anytime I need you, you are quick to comfort me.

You have made me the bundle of joy I am today,

and I thank you.

Thank you for being the best mom I could ever want.

I could never imagine my life without you, nor do I want to.
I love you

So please don’t ever forget that.

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