Toxicity Illuminated | Teen Ink

Toxicity Illuminated

June 8, 2023
By dc_x06 GOLD, Lee, New Hampshire
dc_x06 GOLD, Lee, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Empathy nurtures wisdom. Apathy cultivates ignorance."
- Suzy Kassem

Love that once felt sweet, now tastes of bile,

I tried to make it work, but it wasn't worthwhile.

For six months we held on tight,

But now I see it's time to take flight.


The toxicity crept in and consumed our love,

My heart aches as I fly away, like a freed dove.

I thought we could work things out,

But the poison was too much, I had to shout.


I loved her once, but now it's time to move on,

Even though the pain is sharp like a thorn.

It's time to take care of myself,

And put my mental health on the top shelf.


I'll always cherish the memories we made,

But it's time to say goodbye to the love that we had.

It's hard to let go, but it's for the best,

I'll keep moving forward and find my rest.

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